Presonus M80 Channel Indicator
by John L Rice December 2000
Presonus M80

Channels Revealed

The Channel Indicator MP3 and WAV files contain two snare drum hits on one stereo side and two bass drum hits on the other stereo side.


It is HIGHLY recommended that you first go to the The Listening Tests page and listen to all of the samples, look at the waveform images and write down your preferences before you know which channel is which to avoid biasing your judgement one way or another.


Description MP3 16 / 44.1 WAV
Channel Indicator

127 KB

556 KB


( Scroll down to see channel indication )







Snare Side
This is the left side, channel 1 and the Jensen side. Also in the waveform images the top waveform is the Jensen waveform.
Bass Side
This is the right side, channel 2 and the generic side. Also in the waveform images the bottom waveform is the generic waveform.


The Overview
An explanation of the circumstances that led to changing transformers and conducting listening tests.

The Transformer Swap

A description of how to remove existing transformers and install different ones.

The Listening Tests

Audio samples in MP3 and WAV formats for comparing the sound of the two transformers.

What I Think

My conclusions and opinions about the testing.
What Other People Think
Tests, modifications and opinions of others.
All Text, Images And Audio Files Are Property Of John L Rice And Cannot Be Used Without Permission © 2001